Pokémon Gym Leader
Location: Parkgate Library
- Monday, March 17th
- Tuesday, March 18th
- Friday, March 21st
- Saturday, March 22nd
- Sunday, March 23rd
- For ALL OF THE ABOVE – between 10:00am-6:00pm
- Staff prefers that each teen sign-up
for NO MORE THAN 3 hours per day – so that would mean either morning
(10-1pm), early afternoon (1-3pm) or late afternoon (3-6pm)
We are looking for:
- Teens in grades 8-12
- Teens
who love Pokémon.
- Teens with high energy and like people.
- Teens who can be patient with kids.
- Organized teens.
- ***NOTE: This activity may have lots of down-time,
as popularity comes in waves! So, if a teen has a book, craft, homework,
etc. they can work on, it’s a great idea to bring it along.
Description of duties:
- Staffing our Pokémon Hunt table (aka the Pokémon Gym)
- Giving kids their activity sheet and telling them how
to start.
- Restocking and folding activity sheets.
- Checking to make sure kids completed their scavenger
hunt. All questions must be answered.
- Then asking what the kid’s favorite Pokémon is.
- Giving them 1 prize for completing (kids may only do
the hunt once. If someone is asking for an extra prize, grab a staff
member 😊 )
- Putting the prize on their Lanyard if they have one
- Making kids feel proud of their achievement (some kids
feel very proud of this activity!)
Staff contact at
Parkgate: Rachel and Jean (or any
Information Desk Staff!)
HOW TO APPLY: Email: tag@nvdpl.ca
Please tell us:
-Your name and grade
-All date(s)
you are available
-All shift(s)you
are available (10a-1pm); (1-3pm); (4-6pm)
Capilano Library
- Capilano
Pokémon Gym Leader
Pokémon Scavenger Hunt volunteering at the Capilano Library will be available for the full first week of spring break. This is a great opportunity for anyone looking to get a large chunk of volunteer hours done in one go. Two volunteers can work the scavenger hunt desk at the same time, so feel free to sign up with a friend as long as you'll remain on task. See the "dates and times" section for more details 🙂
Dates and times:
Monday, March 17, 2024
to Sunday, March 23, 2024
Volunteers may sign up
for any period of time between 10AM-6PM during this
week. You can sign up for just an hour, or even the full day if you want to.
For a full day, we will make sure you receive an hour lunch break.
The busiest times will
be the first two days (March 17th and 18th) and weekend days
(March 22nd and 23rd).
- ***NOTE:
This activity may have lots of down-time, as popularity comes in
waves! So, if the volunteer has a book, craft, homework, etc. they can
work on, it’s a great idea to bring it along.
- Manning our Pokémon Hunt table
(aka the Pokémon Gym)
- Giving kids their activity
sheet and telling them how to start.
- Restocking and folding activity
- Checking to make sure kids
completed their scavenger hunt.
- Then asking what the kid’s
favorite Pokémon is.
- Giving them 1 prize for
completing (kids may only do the hunt once. If someone is asking for an
extra prize, grab a staff member.
- Putting the prize on their
Lanyard if they have one
- Making kids feel proud of their achievement (some kids feel very proud of this activity!
Sticker Helper
The Children's Librarian at the Capilano Library
is looking for two teens to help with a kid's sticker crafting
Location: Capilano Library (Edgemont Village)
Date and time: Tuesday, March 19th 3-4PM (1 hour)
Duties: Helping kids craft their
own stickers using scissors and tape