Thursday 22 October 2020

Operation Med School


Operation Med School is an international student-led nonprofit organization that aims to empower high school students through connection to the medical field. Through our annual conferences in Vancouver, Toronto, Ottawa, Calgary, and New York, we provide students with opportunities to attend skill-building workshops, connect with peers, and interact with medical professionals. In light of COVID-19, Operation Med School Vancouver will be hosting a six-part webinar series through February/March on the theme of “Reimagining Medicine”.

We are currently in the process of hiring associates ambassadors for our conference to promote our conference within their respective communities and provide assistance to the executive team. The deadline for applications is October 30, 2020 at 11:59 PST. The application and information about the roles can be found here.

However, if you are simply interested in registering for the conference, please email and we will be sure to update you when ticket sales commence.

If you are interested in our event, we encourage you to follow us on Instagram to stay updated on our event.


Operation Med School Vancouver Executive Team
President — Maya Kennedy | Outreach Directors — Kanas Leung and Dennis Zhao
Instagram: @OMSVancouver