Friday 8 April 2022

FILM & TV Mini Career Fair: NVSD


TV and Film Mini Career Fair

April 19th - Grades 10-12 - 9:00-12:00

Two sessions:

9:00-10:30 – Windsor, Seycove, Argyle – bus transportation will be available for Seycove and Windsor

10:45-12:00 – Carson, Mountainside, Sutherland and Handsworth - bus transportation available for Mountainside and Handsworth)

Note bus maximum capacity is 50 (25 from each school)

The format

Will take the flavor of "speed dating" - there will be 10-15 students at a table for 15-20 minutes before they move on to the next set of speakers.

Speaker Panel:

  1. Blanche Macdonald – make up/special effects, hair and design
  2. Creative Pathways – unveiling of the one stop shop to find information about careers in the field
  3. Cap U – Fine Arts in Film and TV
  4. BCIT – TV, Film and Broadcasting
  5. Ourwork.bc – Union for people employed in the TV and Film Industry

Information gained:

Available local post secondary programs

Admission requirements

Employment opportunities

What work realistically looks like

Q and A at each session