Friday 20 January 2023

Maxwell Fireplace - looking for potential gas fitters!

Maxwell Fireplace - looking for potential gas fitters!

Maxwell Fireplace, located in North Vancouver, has been in business for over 40 years. We have had tremendous success in hiring individuals from the North Shore for a variety of positions such as sales, administration, installation and service, and been highly successful in hiring to fill positions but fostering career development, where many of our employees are now holding key roles in the company.

We are always mindful of keeping our pipeline full for future recruits, particularly for our install and service team, which is a combination of gas fitters, trade apprentices (gas; construction or similar trade), and installers. Recently two apprentices completed their B-ticket for gas fitting, moving them up to the next level in their career and creating vacancies for at least one new hire, preferably two. 

With much success with those at the beginning of their careers, some of whom we’ve sponsored for apprenticeship, we are interested in speaking to students that might currently be registered for, or considering participating in an apprenticeship program, or simply happy to be a full time installer, which would suit Grade 12 individuals that are going to school and working simultaneously with the goal to transition to full time permanent employment at the end of the school year. 

Please come to Room 203 if interested!