Tuesday 22 September 2020

Our free Virtual Education Fair is this Thursday, September 24th, and we have an exciting line up of universities, colleges and language schools from Canada and many other countries, including Australia, UK, New Zealand, USA, Switzerland, the Czech Republic, France, Spain and Israel. Exhibitors will be promoting programs in a full range of subject areas ranging from Medicine, Law, Pharmacy, Technology, Hospitality, Sciences, Business, Psychology to Music and Arts (including Performing Arts). The full exhibitors list is already posted on our website.

We also have an extensive line-up of webinars taking place during fair hours - the webinar schedule is posted on our website to enable students to plan their day. Most of the webinars are live, but some are pre-recorded and can be accessed at any time (see website for details). Webinars include Studying Hospitality in Switzerland, Studying in the UK (various UK institutions), Studying Business in Canada, Spain and France, Law Studies, Study in the USA, Studies in New Zealand, Preparing for a Career in Theatre, Film, TV and New Media, and Studying in Germany for Short or Long-Term Programs. 

Registration is FREE. 

More details: 

Date: Thursday Sept 24th
Place: Online 
Expo hours: 2pm to 8pm EST
Admission: FREE
Register here